There are very few things as frightening as a crowd. They can be
swayed by anyone with a silver tongue or by a few agitators. All the great, and
infamous men of history have been able to sway a crowd by their oratory. Think
of Hitler and his Nuremberg address, or Barak Obama in his inauguration
address, or Winston Churchill in his famous speeches during World War II.
This power can be used for good or ill. The issue for me is the
fact that many in most crowds have a limited understanding (if any) of the
facts involved, and are swayed by the speaker, or the planted agitators.
Act 19:32 NIV The assembly
was in confusion: Some were shouting one thing, some another. Most of the
people did not even know why they were there.
Paul was in Ephesus for one of the most strategic times in his
journeys. He had been preaching about the uniqueness of Jesus in a city which
was the centre of the worship of Diana via the meteorite which looked like a multi
breasted women. The economy of Ephesus was dependent on the silversmiths who
manufactured images of this meteorite for the pilgrims who came to worship at
Diana's temple. Her temple was one of the wonders of the ancient world.
This trade was at risk since many were abandoning the temple and
turning to "The Way". This was
enough reason for Demetrius on behalf of the silversmiths to bring charges
against Paul. This soon ended in a near
riot. The mob was out of control.
Any attempt by Paul or his companions to explain the situation was
drowned out by the crowd. They cried "Great is Artemis (Diana) of the
Ephesians." The mob was out of control.
A few years ago a team of Intercessors from the UK and Australia
visited the open air arena at Ephesus and took up the cry "Great is Jesus
the Son of God!" This time it was the mob of demons that were put to
With Paul's situation we see the true effect of a mob and how a
few agitators can stir up a mob. It was not a matter of what the reason for the
assembly was, it was just the mob effect in action. Most did not have the
faintest idea why they were there. They were just caught up in the mob.
This same effect is at work in many of the controversies we face
in our society. Complex issues are reduced to simple slogans without the
majority of the people really knowing what the full issues are.
We see this in the homosexual debate and the same sex marriage
debate. A small minority of the population reduces the debate to an emotional
level and agitates through the media and demonstrations, while the majority are
manipulated to agree with the small minority. Even some Christians are taken in
by community attitudes and emotionalism.
What are we as Christians supposed to do?
We are citizens of another world, the Kingdom of God. We are not
meant to be caught up in the agitation of the mob. We are to be like Paul and
his companions and stand up for Jesus. We are to be like the city clerk in
Ephesus who calmed the crowd. He drew attention to what was really happening
and so became the voice of reason.
Act 19:35-38 NIV The city clerk
quieted the crowd and said: "Fellow Ephesians, ..... you ought to calm
down and not do anything rash. (37) You have brought these men here, though they
have neither robbed temples nor blasphemed our goddess. (38) If, then, Demetrius and
his fellow craftsmen have a grievance against anybody, the courts are open and
there are proconsuls. They can press charges.
He enabled the issue to be discussed
properly with all the facts able to be determined. He defused the emotion and
so overcame the stirring of the silversmith agitators.
We can act in the same way as the voice of reason.
However it involves taking the heat out of the argument and examining the facts
in a reasoned way.
We can enable the truth to be seen as we refuse to
play by the rules of the mob and call for the voice of reason to be heard. The
old adage "All truth is God's truth" can be applied as we calmly
demonstrate the truth of God's Word by action as well as words.
Who will you follow, the crowd represented by general community
values, or the single voice of Jesus standing against the crowd and in the
process, overcoming the world? His Kingdom overcomes all other kingdoms and
lasts forever.
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