I rewatched the film “Ghandi ” last night and, among other things, was impressed by how secure he was in himself. It was clear that his self security enabled him to follow his clear dream and not to compromise with anyone, the British overlords, his own political party, the various religious groupings in India, or even his own wife.
One of the issues for many, if not most, men in our society is this question of security. Most people are insecure in one way or another. This shows in trying to be macho, controlling, having little sensitivity to people of differing views, dominating, etc.
The secure person doesn't have to push his viewpoint, just live it. He, and it is usually a he, allows people to be themselves without controlling them. He will consider other views but still knows where he stands without compromise. He is prepared to take a lowly position and seem weak to some if it is to the benefit of others.
In other words, a secure person will model the life of Jesus.
None of us have got this all together, but maturity means that you are increasingly moving in this direction, increasingly modelling the life of Jesus to others.
It is amazing that we see this in a man like Ghandi who was, in his own words, a man of every religion, and so could not be called a Christian in biblical terms. He stuck completely to his doctrine of truth shown by non violence and non cooperation (satyagraha), even to the extent of extreme cost to himself with beatings, jail, hunger strikes to the point of death if necessary.
To see this modelled in a Hindu should be a wake up call to all Christians. The Mahatma often quoted Jesus, but was put off by the behaviour of Christians.
We can learn a lot from him, but why stop there when we can learn it all from Jesus Himself.
When we are “born again” we are called to a radically transformed life which models Jesus’ life. That is what repentance means, a turning away from, so that we can turn to the opposite.
Ghandi saw a COUNTRY freed from foreign occupation. We are called to see a WORLD freed from foreign occupation (the kingdom of darkness under satan) and delivered to the freedom of the Kingdom of Light, the Kingdom of God. Surely that is worth pouring your life into!
This will only happen when we live the life of true satyagraha, under the King of kings, Jesus Christ the Lord of all.
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